Election FAQs

Why should I consider running in Council elections?

Serving as a Council member provides an excellent opportunity to be involved in regulating the RT profession in the public interest. Professional Council members provide invaluable insight by drawing on their respiratory therapy knowledge and experience and can impact broad policy issues that affect how the profession is regulated.

Serving on Council is also a great way to meet and work with a diverse group of RTs, enhance one’s leadership skills and gain a better understanding of the complexities of governance and the profession.

What do I need to know to be a Council member?

Prospective Council members do not necessarily need to have a deep understanding of regulation and health care legislation to apply for the position. It is understood that individuals will develop these competencies as they work on Council and committees. What is needed is for Council and committee members to be engaged, passionate, keen to learn and motivated to contribute to the CRTO’s public interest mandate.

The CRTO developed a Council and Committee Competency Profile , which defines the knowledge, skills, judgement, attitude, and experience (i.e., competencies) expected of CRTO Council and Committee members in areas such as governance, collaborative leadership and organizational oversight. Once an individual becomes a Council or committee member, these competencies can continue to be enhanced through ongoing orientation, continuing education and professional development.

What are the eligibility requirements to run for election as a Council Member?

The eligibility criteria are listed under Article 2 of the CRTO By-law 2. Under the By-law, a Member is eligible for election as a Council Member if they,

  1. practice or reside in the electoral district for which they are seeking election;
  2. hold a General or Limited certificate of registration that is not subject to a term, condition or limitation arising from a professional misconduct, incompetence, incapacity or quality assurance proceeding;
  3. are not running for election in another electoral district;
  4. are not in default of the payment of any CRTO fees;
  5. are not the subject of any current or past disciplinary or incapacity proceeding by a body that governs a profession in any jurisdiction;
  6. have not been found guilty (unless it has been reversed on appeal or judicial review) of a criminal offence, any offence relating the prescribing, compounding, dispensing, selling or administering of drugs or any offence relevant to their suitability to be licensed or registered with any professional regulatory body;
  7. are not an employee, director, officer, or elected member of any provincial or national professional association or special interest group related to the profession;
  8. are not an appointed committee Chairperson or member of a committee of any provincial or national respiratory therapy associations; such that it is reasonable to expect that a real or apparent conflict of interest may arise;
  9. are not an elected representative, director, officer or employee of, or a party to a contractual relationship to provide services;
  10. are nominated by three (3) voters who are eligible to vote in the candidate’s electoral district;
  11. have completed the CRTO’s nomination form and submitted it to the CRTO electronically by the given deadline;
  12. have completed the CRTO’s orientation online module relating to the duties, obligations and expectations of Council and Committee members;
  13. within the twelve months before the date of the nomination they have not been:
    1. an employee of the CRTO; or
    2. an employee, director, officer, or elected member of a working group or Committee of an organization which develops or produces “entry to practice” examinations related to the profession; or
    3. in a position that could create an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest with respect to their Council duties;
  14. within the six years before the date of the nomination they have not been disqualified from sitting on the Council or Committee;
  15. within the six years before the date of the nomination they have not:
    1. had their certificate of registration suspended as a result of a professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity proceeding;
    2. had their certificate of registration revoked as a result of a professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity proceeding; or
    3. received a new certificate of registration following revocation of their certificate of registration as a result of a professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity proceeding.

If you are unsure if you meet the eligibility criteria to run for election, please contact Carole Hamp, RRT, Registrar & CEO, at officeofregistrar@crto.on.ca or by phone at (416) 591-7800 ext. 33, Toll-Free: 1-800-261-0528.

How long is the term of elected Council Members?

The term of a Professional Council Member is three years, and the maximum length of service is nine consecutive years.

What is the time commitment per year?

Council meets four times a year, with the occasional special meeting if required. In addition, Council Members are appointed to at least one CRTO committee. The number of committee meetings per year varies depending on the committee (for more information about the expected time commitment for individual committees, please visit the Council and Committees web page).

Generally speaking, Council members should expect six to ten meetings each year. Most CRTO meetings are held virtually during the CRTO’s regular business hours.

The term of a Council member is three years, and the maximum length of service is nine consecutive years.

What are the main responsibilities of a Council member?

Council Members serve and act in the public interest. They are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the strategic objectives of the CRTO as well as relevant legislation and policies. They are expected to review meeting materials, be prepared and participate in the deliberations and decisions. It is essential that Council members maintain confidentiality and exercise sound judgment.

Are Council/Committee Members reimbursed for expenses?

Yes, the CRTO compensates Council and committee members for their time and expenses. For example, the per diem for a full-day meeting for Professional Council Members and Committee Appointees is $200.00. The CRTO will also cover meeting preparation time. Most meetings are conducted virtually; however, if in-person meetings are required, Professional Council Members and Committee Appointees will be reimbursed for all reasonable travel and accommodation expenses.

Which districts are elections being held?

The CRTO holds elections of Council Members according to the following schedule in the CRTO By-law 2:

Election Year: 2023 (and every third year after that)

  • Electoral District 3: the geographic areas of Frontenac, Hastings, Lanark, Prince Edward, Renfrew, Leeds and Grenville, Lennox and Addington, Prescott and Russell, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry and Ottawa.
  • Electoral District 4: the geographic areas of Haliburton, Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough, Northumberland, Simcoe, Durham, York, Peel and Toronto.
  • Electoral District 6: the geographic areas of Grey, Bruce, Huron, Perth, Middlesex, Oxford, Elgin, Lambton, Chatham-Kent and Essex.

Election Year: 2024 (and every third year after that)

  • Electoral District 1: the territorial districts of Kenora, Rainy River and Thunder Bay.
  • Electoral District 2: the territorial districts of Cochrane, Timiskaming, Sudbury, Algoma, Manitoulin, Parry Sound, Nipissing and Muskoka.
  • Electoral District 5: the geographic areas of Halton, Hamilton, Niagara, Waterloo, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant, Dufferin and Wellington.
  • Electoral District 7: the whole of the province of Ontario.

What is my electoral district?

The CRTO has seven electoral districts (see below). Your electoral district is based on your place of employment or, if you are not practicing, on your home address.

Electoral District 1: the territorial districts of Kenora, Rainy River and Thunder Bay.

Electoral District 2: the territorial districts of Cochrane, Timiskaming, Sudbury, Algoma, Manitoulin, Parry Sound, Nipissing and Muskoka.

Electoral District 3: the geographic areas of Frontenac, Hastings, Lanark, Prince Edward, Renfrew, Leeds and Grenville, Lennox and Addington, Prescott and Russell, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry and Ottawa.

Electoral District 4: the geographic areas of Haliburton, Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough, Northumberland, Simcoe, Durham, York, Peel and Toronto.

Electoral District 5: the geographic areas of Halton, Hamilton, Niagara, Waterloo, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant, Dufferin and Wellington.

Electoral District 6: the geographic areas of Grey, Bruce, Huron, Perth, Middlesex, Oxford, Elgin, Lambton, Chatham-Kent and Essex.

Electoral District 7: the whole of the province of Ontario.

If you are unsure which electoral district you are in, please contact us at officeofregistrar@crto.on.ca.

What are the election timelines?

For the 2024 elections:

  • The call for nominations opens on July 24, 2024.
  • All nominations must be received by August 28, 2024.
  • Voting opens on September 4, 2024; ballots will be sent electronically to all members in each district holding an election).
  • Voting closes at 4:00 p.m. on October 9, 2024; the results will be announced after the candidates have been notified.

How do I run for election if I am interested? What is the process?

Here is a brief high-level overview of the election process:

  1. Check that you meet the eligibility criteria listed under Article 2 of the CRTO By-law 2.
  2. Complete the CRTO’s online orientation module relating to the duties, obligations and expectations of Council and committee members.
  3. Submit your complete nomination form by the given deadline.
  4. The CRTO will contact you to confirm your eligibility to run in the election.
  5. Your candidate’s statement will be posted on the online election portal, where voters will be able to learn more about you.
  6. After the voting closes and the ballots are counted, the Registrar will contact you to advise you of the election results.
  7. The CRTO will publish the election results after the recount deadline.
  8. If elected, you will be expected to attend the December Council meeting.

How will I know if my nomination is approved?

After receiving your completed online nomination form, the CRTO will contact you to confirm your eligibility.

If I am elected, how soon after the election would I take office?

New Council members are expected to attend the December Council meeting. Before the meeting, they will also need to attend an orientation session.

Do I get to choose the Committee I want to work with?

Each year Council and committee members are asked to submit a committee preference form. The Executive Committee reviews this information and appoints members to the CRTO committees taking into consideration preferences, experience, committee workload and succession planning. The committee appointments are typically confirmed in December; however, there may also be opportunities for mid-year appointments.

What support is available for newly elected members?

All Council and committee members are given comprehensive orientation and training opportunities throughout their terms. Before each meeting, Council and committee members are provided with an agenda, briefing notes and other relevant documentation. CRTO staff provide ongoing support to Council and Committees.

How do I vote?

All Respiratory Therapists eligible to vote will receive a secure email with a link to the CRTO’s electronic voting system.

All voting is conducted online using a two-step ballot:

  • Step 1 – You will receive an email with a link which will allow you to cast a vote
  • Step 2 – You will receive a second email to confirm your vote.

Your vote is not complete until after you confirm your vote.

Who do I contact if I have any questions about the elections?

If you have any questions about the Council elections, please contact Carole Hamp, RRT, Registrar & CEO, at officeofregistrar@crto.on.ca or by phone at (416) 591-7800 ext. 33, Toll-Free: 1-800-261-0528.